Bonner General Family Practice now offering Battlefield Acupuncture
Transpiring from 5,000-year-old Chinese medicine techniques, Battlefield Acupuncture (BFA) has become an alternative pain reliever used to combat opioid use and potential dependency and addiction. Developed in 2001 by Dr. Richard Niemtzow, while on active duty in the United States Air Force, he sought a treatment that would quickly alleviate pain without impairing a soldier, allowing them to continue working safely.
Noting that the ears have five acupuncture points, scientific evidence confirms the connections between the ear and the distant body functions and the therapeutic benefit when needles are inserted in the ear region corresponding to areas in pain. The treatment involves needles 1 millimeter in length inserted in the outer ear, in five specific points. Differing from regular acupuncture, the patient will wear the needles home, and they will fall out in approximately 3-7 days.
BFA has been used to treat acute and chronic back and musculoskeletal pain, neuropathic pain, and migraines.
BFA is administered by Family Practice Nurse Practitioner Dave Moran, DNP, in our office. For more information about Battlefield Acupuncture, call Bonner General Family Practice at 208-265-2221 or visit our website