520 North Third Ave Sandpoint, ID 83864

 (208) 263-1441

Maury's Angels ~ BGH Cardiac Rehab Team

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“Bonner General Health has a cardiac rehab clinic, where for thirty-six ninety minute sessions they teach people who have had major heart repair how to eat, exercise, and live with this new adjustment to their bodies.

I’m Maury, and I had open heart surgery resulting in five bypasses. Other patients have had stents and new valves put in, but we all have one goal in common, to live a longer, healthier life.

This is where my angels go to work, Lori, Liz, Jenni, and Gretchen, what a great team! It is their job to teach me how to monitor all aspects of eating correctly, exercising with common sense, and understanding my medications.

They do all of this in a very positive manner, with a lot of knowledge of the cardiac system. All of this is administered to the patients with great kindness and a love for what they do.

I have six sessions remaining, and thanks to the care and understanding of my four angels, I look forward to my future goals. I thank God for putting those four angels in my life, and thank you, angels!”

Maury Sbertoli ~ Sandpoint

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