520 North Third Ave Sandpoint, ID 83864

 (208) 263-1441

Bonner General Staff

Bonner General Health provides full-service medical treatments so that every person can have the opportunity to receive qualitative medical help. Bonner General Health is accredited by DNV GL-Healthcare with demonstrated expertise in patient safety and quality management.


David Moran, DNP

Bonner General Family Practice
423 N. Third Ave Sandpoint, ID 83864
(208) 265-2221

Degrees & Certifications

Certified by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners

Bio & Other Information

After retiring from military service as a Family Practice Nurse Practitioner for soldiers, their families, and retirees, Dave Moran, joins our BGH Family, offering family medicine expertise to the Greater Sandpoint community.   Dave, his wife Yvonne, and three of their four sons relocated to Sandpoint to join our team.  Dave has a Doctorate in Nursing Practice and will provide comprehensive health & wellness for your entire family. 

“I’m looking forward to getting to know the people of Sandpoint and establishing long-lasting relationships with my patients.”  

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You can find a local provider by searching by name, specialty, or find one of our Bonner General Health practices.

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We provide essential urgent, acute, and critical care as well as a host of other services
to meet the needs of our growing and vibrant community.

Impactful Careers

Live, Work & Play
in North Idaho

Where employment meets recreation.