520 North Third Ave Sandpoint, ID 83864

 (208) 263-1441

Bonner General Staff

Bonner General Health provides full-service medical treatments so that every person can have the opportunity to receive qualitative medical help. Bonner General Health is accredited by DNV GL-Healthcare with demonstrated expertise in patient safety and quality management.


Natasha Splaine-Talbott, APRN, PMHNP

BGH Behavioral Health
606 N. 3rd Ave., Suite 203 Sandpoint, ID 83864
(208) 265-1090

Degrees & Certifications

Masters of Nursing Degree from University of Sourthern Maine - Major in Psychiatric and Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

Bio & Other Information

Natasha Splaine-Talbott, APRN, PMHNP, is a Family Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner practicing in Sandpoint, Idaho. Born and raised near Atlanta, Georgia, she has been in North Idaho since 2013, providing comprehensive psychiatric services.

She currently practices in the outpatient setting at Bonner General Behavioral Health and sees children, adolescents, and adults for psychiatric evaluations, medication management, and supportive psychotherapy.

Natasha received her advanced practice training at the University of Southern Maine in Portland, Maine, and has been employed in various settings, including outpatient and inpatient behavioral health programs. Natasha’s professional interests include improving access to mental health services, perinatal mental health, and child and adolescent psychiatry.

During her time off, Natasha enjoys spending time with her family, skiing, biking, and listening to live music.

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