Unknown times, same quality care.
Written by: The Sandpoint Women’s Health Team
A lot has changed over the past several weeks, but the quality of care and support offered by the team at Sandpoint Women’s Health remains unchanged. Our providers, Dr. Kristin Algoe, Dr. Amelia Huntsberger, Dr. Morgan Morton, and Nurse Practitioner Laci Burk, along with our staff are here for you. Your safety is our top priority. Sandpoint Women’s Health has adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic by offering telemedicine, by limiting our waiting room visitors and wait times to allow safe physical distancing, and by practicing stringent hygiene and sanitation practices.
If you’re pregnant, you probably have questions about the risk coronavirus may pose to you and your developing baby. Research is limited but ongoing regarding COVID-19 and pregnancy. Based on the data we have right now, it does not appear that pregnancy increases the severity of COVID-19 if a pregnant woman becomes infected. It also does not appear that a pregnant mom who gets infected can pass the infection to her baby during pregnancy. Our doctors are diligently keeping up with emerging data and are here to address your concerns and manage your care during this pandemic. Our RNs are available Monday through Friday to provide phone support for issues or questions you may have. Online birthing classes are now available to further support expectant parents.
Bonner General Health continues to provide a safe, high-quality birthing experience to all of our expectant patients. We are taking additional measures to protect our patients in our Labor and Delivery department. Some of these measures include only allowing one support person to accompany a pregnant patient for the duration of her hospitalization. Due to the need to protect moms and babies, that support person should enter the hospital with the patient and not leave until the patient is discharged home. Plans are in place for managing pregnant women with COVID-19 if that were to occur.
While some procedures can be delayed or rescheduled, we understand that there are medical issues requiring timely attention. Telemedicine and in-office visits are available, so please call us if you have an urgent concern. Telemedicine is a great alternative to an office visit if you have medication questions or need a refill, require a follow up appointment, or need to discuss options for managing gynecologic issues.
Because these are uncertain times, it’s not uncommon to feel anxious. It is important that each of us take care of our mental health in addition to our physical health. Reach out to us if you feel managing stress or anxiety is becoming difficult. Our providers can help.
We want to take care of you. In return, we ask that you take care of yourself and your loved ones by staying home and continuing to wash your hands, avoid touching your face, clean frequently used surfaces, and practice social distancing. We each play a part in minimizing the spread of COVID-19 in our community. We truly are stronger together.
Your Sandpoint Women’s Health Team
Sandpoint Living Local Article Submission – May 2020